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Ready To Make Tarbert Your Home Port?

Berths still available for the upcoming season – secure yours now!
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5 Star Rated Marina In A Picturesque Location  

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Walks, Food, Music and More, There's Plenty To See And Do, On Shore!

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New to the Harbour?


Arrived Out Of Hours? No Problem.

We have created a handy welcome guide to get you up and running, with some handy tips for enjoying your stay in the harbour with us, and some important information should you need it.

Fàilte (Welcome) to Tarbert Harbour

Nestled on the shores of Loch Fyne, some forty miles inland from the Kyles of Bute, East Loch Tarbert is a natural sheltered harbour at the heart of a heritage fishing village.

We offer both commercial and leisure services within our busy port. The south side of the harbour is home to the traditional Tarbert TT fishing fleet while the marina is situated on the north side, providing sheltered berthing and facilities for leisure vessels.

We are within easy reach for visitors based on the Firth of Clyde, and are connected to the sound of Jura via the famous Crinan Canal. Recognised and revered by many as one of the best sailing destinations in Scotland, Tarbert has much to offer the marine tourist!

Important marina news updates and our blog can be found here.

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Tarbert Harbour News

Marina Blog, Services and Berth-holder Information
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Marina News & Blog, Services and Downloads, Berth-holder Information:

Honesty Policy

Visiting vessels should radio VHF CH14 or telephone the Harbour Office or Reception prior to berthing, and register at the Chandlery Reception upon arrival (seasonal opening times apply, please check here for more information).

If you arrive out of hours, please proceed to an available berth on the Visitor Pontoons, highlighted on our Harbour Plan. We operate an Honesty Policy too, so you can refer to the rates page and pay into the honesty box using the envelopes provided. See our opening times for more details.

In case of any urgent enquiries or assistance, the on-call duty officer can be contacted by calling 01880 820 344 and waiting for the diversion.

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